High Liner Seafood – Flame Savours™ Tuscan Herb Tilapia – Accepable

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Back in February, I was offered a Perk by Klout for a free High Liner product. ANY product, ANY size. When I received my “free box of High Liner” I went to the store and picked up the most expensive product possible. And therefore, I picked their Flame Savours Tuscan Herb Tilapia


There are only 4 pieces of fish in the box and it cost about $13 Canadian before tax. A little steep and I definitely wasn’t planning on picking one up if it wasn’t for the coupon. 

And well here is what it looks like cooked (apologies for the crappy picture, I took these with my Blackberry.)



ok, so the good… I have to say it’s quite juicy and moist considering you bake it, open, on the parchment. The Tuscan flavour seem to be there.

As for the disappointment… it doesn’t taste “flamed” at all. There are zero char flavour. 

Though it’s convenient .. I still think it’s over priced. It would take a lot for me to buy it again just to stock my freezer with dinner quickies.